

With appeals for donations, nationwide campaigns, the sale of souvenirs and tireless commitment, the members of the association have been raising funds for the preservation of the PASSAT for about 40 years.

It was only with this essential aid and funding from the Association that the Hanseatic City of Lübeck was able to carry out numerous work and measures on board. Click on the dots and discover what was done and where!

Sanierung der Takelage

Refurbishment of the rigging

As part of the restoration work and in consideration of heritage protection, the entire rigging was renewed.

Complete renovation 1997/98

The Flender shipyard in Lübeck received the order for refurbishment. The masts, yards, the jib, the rigging, the deck and below deck was repaired and refurbished, which can be read in the book by Manfred Ohde: PASSAT- New Make-up for an Old Lady.

DLRG chambers

In the summer months, chambers on the Passat are used as accommodation for the lifeguards of the DLRG. The lounges and sanitary facilities were gradually renovated.

Investitionen in ein Blockheizkraftwerk

Investments in a cogeneration unit

To minimize energy costs, investments were made in an on-board combined heat and power plant located in the engine room.

Ausstellungsraum und Kombüse in Luke I

Showroom and galley in porthole II

The porthole II of the Passat was enlarged to a lecture and exhibition room. At the back of the porthole 10,000 sandbags are stowed to serve as ballast.

Ausstattung der historischen Kombüse ( 2010)

Furnishing the historic galley

Captain Ulf Sack has drawn up and installed the historic galley using great attention to detail. The fresh water pump is an original pump of the Passat. The oil-fired lights were rebuilt by Mr Sack, remaining true to the original lights.

Einrichtung und Ausstattung der historischen noch sendefähigen Funkbude

Installation and furnishing of the historic radio station

Project: Museum Maritime Station Passat
In addition to the fittings with old radios, which date from the 1950s/60s, an amateur radio station was established that may be operated by licensed radio amateurs.

Decksanierung (Hochdeck)

Deck renovation (high deck)

The high deck around the house of cards was re-planked.

Finanzierung von Sicherheitseinrichtungen (Nottreppe/Notausgang)

Financing of safety features (emergency staircase / emergency exit)

An escape route was installed to meet safety regulations.

Ersatz des Sonnensegels

Replacement of the awning

A new sail was purchased after a heavy storm had torn the awning on deck.


Captain's Salon

The historic coffered ceiling of the Captain's Salon has been restored.

Umgestaltung der Ausstellungsräume an Bord

Redesign of the exhibition rooms on board

You can trace the first circumnavigation of the PASSAT through script, images and sound documents. Numerous exhibits illustrate the life and work on a cargo ship at the beginning of the 30s of the last century. Light installations underline the depth of the holds and interactive stations encourage action.

Erneuerung des Poopdecks

Renovation of the poop deck

The planking of the poop deck was refurbished.

Historisches Kammermodell

Historical Chamber Model

To illustrate the space situation of the port and starboard guard, our association member, Captain Sack, has built a chamber model that has found its place next to the historic galley. Photos on the walls show everyday life.


"Bridal Suite"

Civil and captain marriages are possible on the Passat. A meeting room in the lower deck was converted into a honeymoon suite with bedroom and living room, kitchenette and shower room.


Sanitary facilities

Toilets were installed on deck for the visitors of the museum ship.

Fiete, der letzte Matrose der Passat

Fiete, the last sailor of the PASSAT

The sailors have been commemorated with the sculpture Fiete, standing on the dolphins in front of the bow of the PASSAT. The sculpture was created in 2004 by Claus Görtz from Schattin.

Passat display case

Passat display case with the model by Mr Maaß

The model of the Passat was manufactured by Mr Maaß, who made it available to the association. It stands eye-catchingly in an illuminated display case on the newly designed Travemünde promenade opposite the Passat and is there to invite people to visit the museum on board.

Einrichtung einer Medienstation zur Pamir

Establishment of a media station to the PAMIR

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Sinking of the PAMIR, a media station was inaugurated below deck, which informs visitors about the ship and its demise.

Foto Neuer, zusätzlicher Punkt

Light installations

emphasize the depth of the holds.



Complete deck renovation foredeck

Would you have known? The construction of the PASSAT in 1911 at Blohm and Voss cost 680,000 Reichsmark. The 3,684 square metre sail area – which is about the size of a middle football field, could push up the Passat with 17 knots – that's after all about 32 kilometers per hour.

More facts and figures?
OVERALL LENGTH  115 meters
WIDTH  14.4 meters
SIDE HEIGHT  8.53 meters
DEPTH  max. 7.24 meters
CREW  25-35 Regular crew of 25-35 men (+50 cadets)
SAIL AREA  3,684 square metres
SPEED UNDER SAILS  max. 17.4 knots (32 km/h)
CARRYING CAPACITY  4 700 tons deadweight


Saltpetre routes and a long break

The PASSAT only operated on the saltpetre route from the west coast of South America to Europe for three years, from 1911 to 1914. Then World War I ensured a lengthy hiatus. It was not until 1921 that the shipping company Laeisz was able to buy back the PASSAT and sail it under its flag until 1932.

Journeys to Australia and records

The Saltpetre route was unprofitable. In 1932, a Finnish ship owner bought the PASSAT and allowed it to be sailed to Australia, because grain from the south coast of Australia was good business. She won the famous "Grain Race " four times (after having brought the wheat from Australia to Europe the fastest) – even if the ship was once again put out of service during the Second World War and used as a storage vessel in Stockholm.

Reconstruction and a short career

In 1951, the PASSAT – together with the PAMIR – was converted into a freight-carrying training ship for sailors in Kiel. She received a 1,000 hp auxiliary engine. In the meantime, the ship was now owned by the German shipowner Schliewen. But in 1953, bankruptcy was declared and the PASSAT was transferred to Travemünde.

The rescue and a near-demise

The "Pamir and Passat Foundation" took over the two ships in 1954 and let them operate again as cargo ships between South America and Europe. In 1957, the year of misfortune, the PAMIR sank and the PASSAT escaped the same fate in the Atlantic only by a hair's breadth. The age of cargo ships was over.

A new rescue and a long, second life

In 1959, the Hanseatic city of Lübeck bought the PASSAT and has been committed to restoring and preserving the historic ship since then. The ship has been on the Trave since 1960, serving initially as a training centre (transferred to the Schleswig-Holstein Nautical school), then (after returning to the Hanseatic city of Lübeck in autumn 1965) as an international meeting place. It has been a museum ship since 1966 and has been under monumental protection since 1978. Meanwhile, the second life of the PASSAT – moored firmly in the mouth of the Trave – lasts longer than its first, moving on the oceans of the world.

in pictures


The PASSAT still needs to be maintained, refurbished and overhauled over and over again.
Your donation helps to preserve the historic four-masted barque itself and its history to be passed on to future generations!

All members of the association work on a voluntary basis so that the cash and non-cash donations really do benefit the ship 100%.

Support the association and contribute to the preservation of the PASSAT!


Volksbank Lübeck eG
IBAN DE76230901420032889909



1st CHAIRMAN: Holger Bull
2nd CHAIRMAN: Peter Reinhardt
BURSAR: Hartmut Buller


E-mail Bursar:

E-mail Merchandise & Souvenirs:

E-mail public relations:

Priwallpromenade 3 a
23570 Lübeck-Travemünde

Guided tours

We offer guided tours of the Passat for groups. For further information, please send an e-mail to

The association is a partner of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck –
Lübeck Travemünde Tourist Office –
Photographer Karl Erhard Vögele
Der Passat Choir –
Boot Düsseldorf –

Logo Boot Düsseldorf